Invaded by nature...

I've mentioned before that I teach next door to a tarantula (not my teaching partner- although a nature girl, she's completely human!).  There are turtles and lizards in addition to the arachnid named Bob (even though she's a female).  After quite a few threatening persuasive opinion letters from my students, I added to our classroom...

I had 3 hermit crabs in our classroom, but they all seemed to have died in the first three months of school.  I don't know why.  They may have sensed my malcontent with their existence.  They are the lamest pets EVER!  They do nothing during the day, but hide in their shell.  Not conducive to a classroom.  When I had them at home, they cruised around and drove my cats crazy.  Whatever.  Anyway, slowly they died off.  I neglected to tell my class.  I know, I know... I'm an awful teacher.  I should have harnessed the teachable moment and had them write about their feelings or something.  Frankly, I was trying to teach them to read and that took precedent over the dead crabs.  (Can I say that I'm not really heartless?)  Fast forward to a few weeks ago... one of my sweeties (also happens to be nature girl's son) asked why our hermit crabs are so inactive when the one's in the store were climbing and having fun.  Ummm..... I couldn't lie to those big blue eyes.  I broke the news to the whole class.  There were no tears.  Weird.  They cried when I read Dear Juno last week.

Nature girl sent out an invite to take on two red-bellied toads (with full aquarium set up).  I jumped on it and it was delivered on Thursday.  Do have I have to tell you how much we accomplished that morning?  Nada!  They are SO AWESOME!  I freaked them out by trying to take photos, but here is a few of my little desk/zoo I have goin' on.

I don't actually sit at my desk very often (unless I'm searching Pinterest during prep for more ideas!), so I figured it was as good as spot as any in the room.  I also bought some new hermit crabs to fill the empty glass box... notice they are just laying there- lame.  :)

I must say, it was very soothing to hear the waterfall during readers and writers workshop, just softly, along with the instrumental music that I play.  I draw the line at rodents and arachnids- persona nan grada, Bob!