Leaving On A Jet Plane


Last Thursday night we had a very casual pizza farewell dinner for my parents, who are off on there first ever overseas trip. They'll be touring Great Britain for a fortnight, and to say that they were excited would be a bit of understatement. Ok, maybe not so much for my dad, who is a typical bloke and contains himself quite well, but my mum... she's a whole other story, bless her. Unfortunately for my dad - and to a lesser extent, the rest of us - my mums excitement always seems to manifest itself as fuss and worry. That is, you know she's really excited and looking forward to it, but the closer it gets to the date of a big event, the more little niggly things she finds to worry about, or fuss over. In the past week she had packed her bags twice, and i had unpacked them and packed them for properly once; she'd been to the bank and to Telstra at least once each; she even wanted to pay her council rates and electricity bill in advance in case they came when she was away on holidays! And i have no doubt that this morning she would have checked and re-checked her documents about ten thousand times....

I'm kind of excited for them too, to be honest. Its nice that after years and years raising a family, working their bums off so that we would have enough ( and lots of time sacrificing things they needed or wanted )..... its nice that now that we're all grown that they can go and treat themselves. They can get out and see some more of the world, and live the kind of life they probably dreamed of as 21 and 22 yr old newlyweds. They deserve it, thats for damn sure.

Plus, a cashed up Grandma and Poppy overseas surely means pressies upon their return - and that can only be a good thing, right?