Post-Halloween Crazieness & WTW Video Clips

I seriously believe that Halloween should only be celebrated on Fridays... we only do Thanksgiving on Thursdays, right?  Our little are just so tired (not to mention coming down from a major sugar high!).

My morning started out great yesterday.... I was being observed by other district teachers and training them on Words Their Way.  My littles were A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!  They spoke in hushed tones as they sorted and sounded out the spelling/ sound patterns.  They used the language of word study and were explaining to partners what the spelling pattern was for the sort.  Sigh.  The teachers were so impressed with them.  Truth be told, I spent the first month of school working on transitions and work expectations.  You can see them in action here on a few different days (and me teaching- please don't judge!):

Day 1- Open Sort
Day 1-2 Small Group Instruction
Day 4+ Buddy & Speed Sorts

The afternoon, was not so great.  I had a different bunch of teacher in for the second session.  Needless to say, the tiredness took over and they became little pod people.  I didn't recognize them.. They were sassy to my guest teacher and even to me.  They were rude to each other and there even some tears (all within 15 minutes of our word study portion).  Keep in mind, there were 10 extra pairs of eyes on them.  Hello?  I was mortified.  These were NOT my kids.

I apologized profusely to the other teachers, but they just said "We've seen it before- no problem".  However, I felt like they were silently judging me.  My Literacy Consultant said that they weren't bad considering the day, but I could just feel the cringing from my fellow teachers around the room.

What was I thinking when I agreed to an observation lab the day after Halloween?  Two weeks ago, the kids were fine.  Heck- they were super stars just that morning.

I was a disaster all last night and barely slept.  Apparently, I also looked like it because one of my littles asked if I was sick because my eyes weren't "done pretty".  Kid- sometimes no amount of concealer will work!

I had a heart to heart with my little friends first thing.  I shared with them my feelings about what I saw happening around the room, starting with the great work that they did in the morning and the awesome report from the guest teacher (I love how they say the class was great, even when they weren't!).  I then went on to share my feelings about the afternoon and how it broke my heart to see them treat each other that way.  I also felt sad because they were disrespecting me by being sassy and talking back when I was giving directions.  I cried a little.  That's right, I openly wept in front of my students.  They let me down and I wanted them to know that it DOES matter to me.  Many of them cried right along with me. 

Right or wrong, I was honest and transparent with them.  PMS?  Maybe.  However, we grew closer by sharing our feelings as a classroom family.  They were wonderful the rest of the day.  I think the weekend will give us a chance for the hearts to grow fonder :)