I know many schools are given their curriculum maps for the year or are locked into a specific sequence by a publisher's textbook. That isn't the case in my school district. Although we have a set curriculum, we have a lot of say in the order we present it in the classroom. Starting this year, our entire district is following the same sequence for readers and writers workshop, but are free to add additional lessons in, where our specific class needs reinforcement or extra tip for success.
The other areas.... a bit different. We are in the process of switching over to the CCSS for math (all set on literacy!) and some schools are piloting the Investigations and Everyday Math programs. In the meantime, we are integrating into what we are currently using- mostly teacher created lessons and activities. Science and social studies are also pretty fluid in how we are able to teach. We are still going by Michigan's GLCE's (benchmarks), so we can use what we like for science. There is a book for social studies, but hitting the GLCE's is still the main focus.
Can I just say how PROUD I am of our first grade team? Last year (and in previous years before I came into the picture), each teacher had their own curriculum map and way of doing things. Nothing too crazy or anything- just different philosophies and ways of doing things. As of today..... (wait for it!).... all three of us are on the SAME page and turned in ONE map to our principal. This may not seem like a big deal to many of you, but to us- it's HUGE.
Our communication and general sharing is at an all-time high. I really believe that we are building trust and will continue to build on our cooperative efforts in order to best support our incoming students. I feel really good about this year. I know what you're thinking... did ya'll sing Kum-ba-ya, too? No, no we didn't. However, there may or may not have been a hug involved at some point towards the end of the day.
In case you are wondering what we did for two hours today, here is a link to our year map:
First Grade Curriculum Map .