I have a few awesome guest teachers that I try to have in my room when I need to be away. Let's face it- we'd rather not be sick or out of the room at a meeting. It's more work for us! Most times, I'd rather be teaching :) Today, however, was the exception.... I got to go on my 4th grade son's field trip to a local science museum. My years are limited for field trips (they are getting older), so I try to go to every one if I can take the days.
Anyway, my teaching partners over the years have teased me about the length of my sub plans, but I've been burned in the past when something happens or I get sick the night before.... Somehow, I always get the teacher who has never step foot in an elementary school- let alone a kindergarten or first grade room! I'm generally one hot mess of worry on those days (and I reteach everything when I get back).
Today, was not one of those. One of my favorites and my teaching partner's former student teacher was in my room. I'm sure she was excited to see my sweeties again today! They adore her :)
Click HERE for a peak into what my guest teacher saw yesterday/today.
P.S. You're not crazy... they really are over 7 pages sometimes :)